Residential Learning and Community Development
Students who live in the Bellevue College Residence Hall will have the opportunity to engage with unique social and learning experiences that can only happen in a college housing environment.

Residential Learning On-Campus
By following a series of defined learning goals, Resident Assistant (RA) staff members plan, facilitate, and assess events and activities targeted at meeting the complex needs of residential students.
Learning goals for residential student activities include:
- Knowledge acquisition, integration, construction, and application (including activities that build general knowledge and awareness, such as current events bulletin boards, study skills building, group study nights, documentary films, etc.)
- Cognitive complexity (including activities that train on a better understanding of the world, such as current events discussions, guest speakers, intentional 1:1 conversations with RAs, etc.)
- Intrapersonal development (including activities that build self-awareness, such as identity development events, affinity group-sponsored events, etc.)
- Interpersonal development (including activities that build awareness and respect for others, such as the roommate agreement process, get-to-know-you social events, etc.)
- Humanitarianism and civic engagement (including activities that build awareness and care for communities, such as volunteer opportunities, community clean-ups, voting registration drives, etc.)
- Practical competence (including activities that train on life skills development, such as resume writing workshops, transfer preparation nights, recycling education events, etc.)
Leadership Development
In addition to having access to the many student organizations and programs available at Bellevue College, residents of the Bellevue College Residence Hall are welcome to participate in Residence Hall Council (RHC). RHC is an organization open to residents which provides a structured and safe way for residents to meet others in the Residence Hall, participate in democratic decision making for issues impacting life in the Residence Hall, and gain valuable leadership skills that can benefit them for years to come.
For more information or to join RHC as a resident, please email
Living/Learning Communities and Theme Communities
Bellevue College Housing is pleased to announce two special communities beginning fall 2021: the newly formed Health Sciences Living/Learning Community and the Substance-Free Theme Community.
Health Science Living/Learning Community
Students in select units of the Bellevue College Residence Hall who are or who plan to be enrolled in majors under the Health Sciences pathway at Bellevue College may be placed in units together so help build a strong sense of community both in-and-out of the classroom. Students in the Health Sciences Living/Learning Community will have priority access to these units, will have dedicated activities related to issues facing students and workers in the various health sciences fields, and will make connections with faculty members in some of the Health Sciences degree and certificate programs.
Note that not all room styles are available on the Health Sciences Living/Learning Community wing.
For more information about the Health Sciences Living/Learning Community, please email
Substance-Free Theme Community
Some students will be assigned to live in a substance-free wing of the Bellevue College Residence Hall. In addition to complying with all state and laws, as well as the Bellevue College Student Conduct Code and the Bellevue College Housing Community Standards, students assigned to the substance-free wing commit to choosing not to consume or possess alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other drugs (other than needed prescription medications) while living in the Residence Hall. Many students choose to request a substance-free community because of the life choices they have made, personally. Bellevue College supports students who make this decision.
Please note that space is limited and not everyone who requests access to the substance-free community may be able to live on that dedicated wing. Some students may be assigned to live on the substance-free wing without having requested it due to space and roommate matching limitations.
For more information about the substance-free theme community, please email