Financial Assistance
Learn about options for assistance in paying tuition at BC.
Financial Aid
Visit the Financial Aid office website for information about applying for federal and state financial aid.
The college has many scholarship opportunities you can apply for, most managed by the Bellevue College Foundation.
Workforce Education Programs
The Food Stamp Employment & Training Program provides financial assistance for approved training programs to adults who currently receive food stamps from DSHS.
The Opportunity Grant assists limited income adults in selected professional/technical programs shown to be in high demand. This program provides funding assistance of up to 45 credits and is designed to guide individuals into career ladders leading to self-sufficiency and address barriers to student success.
The Worker Retraining Program provides funding and other resources to help unemployed individuals acquire the skills they need to return to work. You can choose a short-term skills upgrade or a new career path by enrolling in a professional/technical program.
- BC Worker Retraining Website
- Washington Dislocated Workers (Government Website)
WorkFirst is Washington State’s welfare reform program that helps financially struggling families on TANF find jobs, keep their jobs, get better jobs and build a better life for their children.
- BC WorkFirst Website
- Washington WorkFirst (Government WorkFirst Website)
Benefits Hub
We can help with referrals and other resources for students facing unforeseen financial hardship.
Multicultural Services
Check out the Multicultural website for current scholarships and aid available.