Net Price Calculator & Other Tools
Use the tools below to help you decide if Bellevue College is a good fit for you.
Available Tools
- Net Price Calculator -The Net Price Calculator allows you to enter information about yourself to find out what students like you paid to attend Bellevue College in the previous year, after taking grants and scholarship aid into account.
- Federal Student Aid Estimator – Before you complete the FAFSA form, the Federal Student Aid Estimator can help you understand your options to pay for college or career school by providing an early estimate of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and eligibility for federal student aid.
- College Scorecard – College Scorecards make it easier for you to search for a college that is a good fit for you. Use the College Scorecard to find out more about affordability and value of colleges you are interested in attending.
- College Navigator –This college search engine produces information relevant to admissions statistics, retention, financial aid, and academics. It also gives you another way to compare schools, find schools in your area, and determine costs associated with attending those schools.
- Paying for College – Use this website to get help in making informed financial decisions about how to pay for college, understand financial aid offers, and student loan repayment options.
- College Financing Plan -The College Financing Plan is a consumer tool that is designed to simplify information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so that they can make informed decisions about which postsecondary institution to attend. Students who have applied for financial aid are able to create a College Financing Plan using the Student Financial Aid Portal. If you have not applied for financial aid, but wish to access the College Financing Plan, please contact the Financial Aid Office to ask that you be added to the Student Financial Aid Portal.
Financial Literacy
Bellevue College has partnered with iGrad to provide you with a free money management tool so you can make smart decisions about your finances and paying for school. You can find resources on the Washington College Grant, work study, scholarships, borrowing loans wisely and much more!
Other Links
The links below provide state and federal information and resources related to financial aid.