Study Abroad and Financial Aid
Financial aid can cover some or all your costs connected with taking part in an eligible study abroad program.

General Information
Your study abroad program is eligible for financial aid if the classes you take apply to your degree and you need those classes to graduate. Follow these steps to ask for your financial aid to cover a study abroad program:
- Meet with an academic advisor and submit an education plan that shows the study abroad classes meet your degree requirements.
- Provide documentation of the costs for the program. Include:
- Airfare,
- Housing and meals, and
- Other costs listed as required.
Note: documenting your study abroad costs may allow us to raise your financial aid budget and provide you with more funds.
Early Release of Funds
You may qualify for an early release of your funds (up to 10 days) if you plan to leave the country before the quarter begins. You must notify us at least 14 days before you leave the country to receive an early release of your aid.